Friday, September 11, 2009

Don't Answer the Phone

Julie thought she had reached a 911 operator.  But instead. . .

and Stay Dead. . .

presents, Wild Boys

A graphic adaptation of William Burroughs'
Wild Boys, a Book of the Dead

None of the events illustrated below appear in Burroughs' novel.  But many will.  All work is drawn by me, directly into Photoshop using a Wacom tablet and a mouse.  All work is original except where otherwise noted.
Enjoy. . .

Wild Boys, Part 1, Chapter 1: The Psychic Psoviet

Spring 1968.  Paris in Flames!

Chap 1, Part 1, Cover

The title of Chapter 1: Psychic Psoviet is a nod to a book of essays entitled Psychic Soviet by Comrade I.F. Svenonious.  Two images of Eiffel Tower on the cover and p.2 were appropriated from les internets.  Also, the first frame on p.1, of Parisian rioters, was traced from a very common image of the protests. Google it.

Stay tooned for Chapter 2:  Five Year Iron Fist Vs Invisible Market Hand

Monday, September 7, 2009

the Joke's on You

Welcome to our perilous morass.  Or moralless abyss.  Through the thick darkness emerges...

See You Next Time . . .

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dark Secret

J-J-J James the Vampire...

is out to lunch
please try again later